Dear Art Lovers, this year more than ever before, we need your help. Coronavirus pandemic has brought unique challenges for all of us. Independent art practitioners, researchers and organizations are the worst sufferer of pandemic. We appeal to you to contribute generously and make this effort, the Archives of Folk and Traditions art, a success.
Folk-Art Fund
Folk Art Fund is an initiative of building a corpus fund for Folkartopedia Foundation to support Folkartopedia, Archives of Folk Arts. It is a sincere endeavor in the direction of preservation, documentation and creating a digital archive of history and culture of folk arts in India, with a mission to promote research in this field. The Fund will also support educational programs and cultural events within its periphery.
To ensure our aims get achieved, and we could carry out folk art projects and programs successfully more effectively, you giving and donation to Folk-Art Fund is a long term sustainable economic support, much needed and appreciated. It will help us safeguard folk and traditional culture and knowledge of traditional art and crafts for future generations.
Though the fund will be small, to begin with, the hope is that it will grow into a substantial resource to promote our cultural legacies in a more meaningful manner. The greater the volume of the Fund, the further it will stretch to finance our infrastructure and programs without having to depend on outside supporters.
If you think Folkartopedia initiatives valuable, please help us continue working towards the cause. Please note that donations made through this page will go towards building the Folk-Art Fund for Folkartopedia.

You can send in donations using a range of payment methods. All donations made to the Folkartopedia Foundation are eligible for exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.