
Folkartopedia archive is an extraordinary initiative to build a unique archive and online database of art and craft’s culture in India. Through the promotion of research and documentation, and interdisciplinary studies in the field of art and culture, we are creating an in-depth cultural resource for generation to come. We invite you to join us in this effort through your contribution towards the Archive’s folk art fund, fellowship fund, living libraries fund or fueling our other art activities.

Whether you are a foundation, trust or corporate, the Archive offers you partnership, to develop bespoke opportunities and provide exclusive ‘money can’t buy’ experience of Indian folk culture.  

Partnership opportunities

  • Research and development projects  
  • Folkartopedia fellowship program 
  • Educational and creative learning projects
  • Rural Crafts Centre development

Benefits available

  • Brand acknowledgement as a project sponsor 
  • Invitation to art previews and all the major events
  • Advertising and promotions opportunities
  • Recognition on website and annual reports 
  • Heritage tourism opportunities
  • 20% discount in art store for board member
  • 10% discount in art store employee

Explore Partnership Levels →

Want to explore more about partnership or discuss opportunities with Folkartopedia archive, we would love to hear from you.

Call: 6203677877

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Important Note

Partnership is based upon full payment in advance, on mutual consent. It is neither refundable nor transferable. Categories, benefits, and prices are subject to change.


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