Dear Art Lovers, this year more than ever before, we need your help. Coronavirus pandemic has brought unique challenges for all of us. Independent art practitioners, researchers and organizations are the worst sufferer of pandemic. We appeal to you to contribute generously and make this effort, the Archives of Folk and Traditions art, a success.
Living Libraries Fund
There is a well-known quotation from Amadou Hampaté, ‘In Africa, when an old person dies a library burns down’. We often give reference of this quotation in Indian context, where each passing year, libraries are burning down, undocumented.
Project Living Libraries is an online repository of folk culture practitioners, art and crafts master, legendary artists, and diverse communities We need to document them on urgent basis, because some of them are in their 70s, 80s or 90s. We have already lost many of them. And now, we are not ready to expense more.
Documentation of Living Libraries, in audio-visual format, may be much more important than libraries with books. We may hear and see how the great artisans perform great art, art making processes, cultural practices and how they encounter challenges of contemporary times.
By supporting the project, you help us to build a unique collection of documentations of our Living Libraries, their evolution of art forms, traditional knowledge, oral histories and real life experiences for present and future generations.
Now we need to ask for your help. We know this is a tough time but if you can, please donate now, generously and make this unique effort a success.
You can send in donations using a range of payment methods. All donations made to the Folkartopedia Foundation are eligible for exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.