A renowned Mithila artist, Godavari Dutta is among the five dignitaries from Bihar in 2019, who were conferred with Padma Shri awards. She was honored with one of the highest civilian awards because of her great contribution to the Mithila art. She feels proud and considers this achievement as a motivation for herself to keep on working. On the eve of Padma Shri award, Sunil Kumar interviewed her in Patna. Please be a witness of her glorious journey in Mithila painting by now.
“Mithila art is a traditional form. One acquires it from ancestors. Usually, mothers pass on the tradition to daughters so that they can paint if they need to” says Padma Shri Godavari Dutta.
Visual archives
Archival Interview Series: Padma Shri Godavari Dutta
Padma Shri Godavari Dutta, Mithila painting
Interviewer: Sunil Kumar
Location: Patna, Bihar
Recording: January 25, 2019
Commissioned by: Upendra Maharathi Shilp Anusandhan Sansthan, Patna
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